Yvette Tziallas

Meraki06 Apr - 22 Apr 2023
Yvette Tziallias large scale painting

Yvette Tziallas

‘Meraki’ 2023 by Yvette Tziallas

April 6th – 22nd

Opening evening, Thursday 6th, 5 – 7pm, RSVP below.

Dates & Times

  • April06
  • Opening night
  • April22
  • Exhibition ends

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Yvette Tziallas | Meraki

‘Meraki’ is the modern Greek word for doing something with so much passion, dedication, soul and love, and by doing so, you leave the essence of yourself in what you’ve created.

These works have come from a particularly difficult and personal time for me. I have been and still currently am going through end stage chronic renal failure in my transplanted kidney, which I was very fortunate to receive 13 years ago. However, with the most recent decline of my health, I have been thrust into a constant state of limbo, one-foot teeters either side of two very big life changing scenarios, edging closer to desperately needing dialysis on one hand and the possibility for a second transplant which we don’t know when will happen on the other.

Being in this grey area with my health has definitely had its ups and downs, however having my art practice has always been a life force for me, especially during those darker days where I need a place to escape my impending reality, even for a few quiet moments, my art has always been that safe sanctuary for me to go, to forget and for me to lose myself in.

Yvette Marie Tziallas

“Nephros,” – meaning Kidney in Greek.

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Yvette Tziallas | Meraki

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