Sian Watson is a Canberra based sculptor who is highly influenced by our changing environment. Through a longstanding relationship with animals and the landscape, Watson have developed works and processes that fuse ideas of sustainability, agriculture, and human-animal interaction.
Processes of time and capturing gesture are key in the development of Watson’s sculptures, while using materials such as bronze, steel and concrete which provide lasting yet ever-changing works. Since graduating from the Australian National University in 2015 with a Bachelor of Visual Arts Honours (First Class) Watson has developed a strong arts practice within Canberra through exhibitions, community participation and teaching. Watson has received numerous awards including the Margaret Munro Prize (ANU, 2015), ClearWater Sculpture Prize (Queanbeyan City Council, 2016) and the Tuggeranong Arts Centre Emerging Artist Solo Exhibition Prize (Sculpture in the Paddock, 2018).
Her work is held in numerous private collections nationally and internationally. Watson has exhibited extensively across ACT, NSW and Victoria and expanded overseas, with her first solo exhibition in Canada (2017) and since then has showed multiple times in the USA. This year, Watson has had two solo shows within the ACT and installed a bronze work (Undergrazing 2020) in Hobart Place, Canberra, which is to remain as part of the ACT public artwork collection.

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