Miss Pinball – Michelle Cawthorn

03 May - 27 May 2018

Miss Pinball – Michelle Cawthorn

Unlike previous exhibitions, “Sum of its parts” features fragments of figures and faces as though they are too big to fit on the canvas. The portraits are bursting out from the restraints of the canvas edges. They don’t want to fit “inside the box”.

Dates & Times

  • May03
  • Opening night
  • May27
  • Exhibition ends

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Miss Pinball – Michelle Cawthorn

OPENING: Thursday 3 May | 6 -8 pm 

ARTIST TALK: Saturday 5 May | 2 pm

The multidisciplinary practice of Sydney-based artist Michelle Cawthorn is preoccupied with how memory informs art-making and the subtle yet enduring influence that memories exert on our everyday. Working across drawing, collage, sculpture and installation, Cawthorn explores the interplay of triggers; those sensorial artefacts of our waking life, that free-associate upon recall. Her works probe the paradoxes inherent in the act of recollecting and represent juxtapositions of memory that are suggestive rather than prescribed.

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Miss Pinball – Michelle Cawthorn

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