Based in Sydney’s picturesque Kirribilli, Diana Watson’s home studio serves as a sanctuary where her lifelong passion for art flourishes. Her work, deeply influenced by European artistry, seamlessly marries the delicate intricacies of nature with the grandeur of classical techniques. Her botanical murals, imbued with warmth and nostalgia, have not only earned her a revered status in the art world but have also transcended traditional gallery spaces.
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Diana Watson
Australian artist Diana Watson’s elegant still-life paintings have earned the Sydney-based artist great repute locally, and now it seems the rest of the world is catching on, with selected works set to appear on the silver screen, in Hollywood production Collateral Beauty, as well as in celebrity chef Rick Stein’s new restaurant in Marlborough, Wiltshire (UK). Watson has been honing her talent for more than 20 years, the joy she takes in her work evident in each brush stroke. Her paintings resonate with a sense of warmth, nostalgia, depth and intrigue – at once beguiling and comforting.